Carbometrix for Financial Institutions
Preserve the long-term value of your portfolio companies, achieve net zero and manage climate transition risks
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Are you a PE, a VC, a bank, a fund of funds?
How do you factor in carbon emissions in the way you manage your investment
portfolio? You already have a lot on your plate as you need to make both LPs
and CEOs happy.
We get your world. Carbometrix is a solution made by finance experts for finance experts and applicable at all stages of your investment cycle. You can turn your decarbonization path into a competitive advantage and be a leader in sustainable finance.
We get your world. Carbometrix is a solution made by finance experts for finance experts and applicable at all stages of your investment cycle. You can turn your decarbonization path into a competitive advantage and be a leader in sustainable finance.
Get the key performance indicators of your Financed Emissions like PAI (Principal Adverse Impact) or TCFD indicators (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
Report Financed Emissions for scopes 1, 2 and 3 and comply with the highest standard like the GHG Protocol
Identify the most impactful levers and turn your decarbonization action plan into a competitive advantage
Provide accurate and comprehensive data that demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and show you are good stewards of the capital in your charge
Our tailored solutions for Financial Institutions
Financed Emissions and portfolio maturity
Engage your assets, comply with regulations and your clients demands
Climate Due Diligence
Make the right decision at the right time. Anticipate risks, uncover avoided emissions, keep stranded assets out of your portfolio
Decarbonization Strategy
Engage your funds in a trajectory, engage your assets and provide them with a solution tailored to their needs